Ted 的故事 4:「助人為樂 」 “Helping Fellow Being”

Story 4-1, 684x400

4-1.  Hot Summer Day


This was one of those hot summer day. Everything seemed sluggish and uneventful. Most creatures would choose to hide themselves from the sun. A diligent little ant was still out there looking for food on a tree by the river. This lone ranger was trying to cross to another branch through an adjoining leaf. Suddenly a gust of wind blew him off his feet. The ant fell into the river. The little insect panicked and screamed. “Help!”, he yelled. “Someone please help! I can’t swim.”

Story 4-2, 684x400

4-2. Calling for Help!

一群小蝌蚪在附近正在嬉戲,Ted 聽到遠處傳來一陣呼叫聲,連忙趕來看個究竟。此時,不懂游泳的小螞蟻已經吞下了一大口的水,開始驚惶失措。Ted大嚷:「你要冷靜!我會想辦法救你!」此時,小蝌蚪群已經趕到。然而,沒有誰知道應如何是好。

A swarm of tadpoles was playing in the water nearby. Ted, alerted by the high-pitched distress call, swam to the scene and found the desperate insect struggling to stay afloat. “Stay calm! Panicking wouldn’t help! I’ll get help”. As Ted spoke, Ted’s brothers and sisters arrived also and gathered around the ant. However, nobody was strong enough to carry the insect and none of them knew how to save the poor soul.

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4-3 Ted had an idea


Suddenly, Ted had an idea. “Let’s find a leaf to make a boat”, Ted exclaimed. That was a chore simple enough for everyone and not before long, the little tadpoles were pushing a large piece of leaf towards the ant. That was a big boat. The ant climbed onto it and finally could take a breathe of relief.

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4-4. It works!


The rescue mission was now very simple. With collective effort like before, the tadpoles pushed the leaf together towards the shore until the leaf hit land.

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4-5 Mission accomplished!

小螞蟻很感恩地回頭對一群小蝌蚪說:「非常感謝你們的救命大恩,希望他日可以報答大家!」Ted 回答:「不必客氣!這是我們應該做的。父母每天都教導我們,生命是寶貴的,所有生物都應互相幫助。」。

With his feet now on dry ground, the little ant felt grateful to its savers. “I am forever in debt for your kind help. I hope I someday I could repay your kindness”, the ant said. “It’s simply the right thing to do”, Ted replied. “Every life is precious. That is what our parents always teach us”, Ted continued, “don’t worry, go home and be careful next time when you climb trees”.

Story 4-6, 684x400

4-6. Every life is precious!

小蝌蚪們回到家裏,大伙兒都十分佩服 Ted的聰明機智。牠們興致勃勃地將剛才的事告訴青蛙先生青蛙太太青蛙先生說:「上天有一套自然規律,以保持宇宙的平衡。有一點是十分肯定的。所有的生物都有生存的權利,不同的生物 (包括人類) 都應互相幫助和彼此尊重。」

At home, the story was retold by Ted’s brothers and sisters, not without some excitement. Mr. Frog and Mrs. Frog were happy about what the children had done. Mr. Frog said, “Mother nature had its rules which we don’t completely understand. However, one rule is clear. All creatures are charged with the responsibility of helping each other to survive.”