Ted 的故事 1:一個開始, The Beginning


在一個既遙遠又原始的國度,密茂的森林旁有一條通往大海的河流,河的兩岸長滿青草。河的一邊住了一對很有智慧的青蛙。青蛙太太剛產下卵,兩夫婦靜靜的守候著新生命的來臨 ……


In the far corner of a forgotten realm, a winding river cut through vast stretch of dense vegetation.  There lived Mr. and Mrs. Frog, a couple of scholar frogs, on a quiet turning corner of the river bank.  The mother frog had just laid eggs and the couple was waiting patiently for the newborns to come into life.  After ten days of waiting ……

Mr. and Mrs. Frog were resting on a floating leaf, waiting anxiously.
Mr. Frog, “Anticipation is both joyful and painful.”
Mrs. Frog, “The hatchlings are vulnerable. We need to protect them.”



One day, while the Frogs were not looking, a school of small fish swam near.  Upon discovering the unexpected delicacy, they help themselves with a delightful feast of frog eggs.



Nearly all the eggs were devoured.  A dozen eggs which were hidden in a crack of a rock were intact because the fish failed to see them.  When the Frogs found out, all was too late.


過了三天,小生命終於誕生了。一群小蝌蚪從石縫中游出來,其中一條初生蝌蚪,臉上長著個奇怪的胎記,活像一個問號 ……
小蝌蚪T (有胎記的小蝌蚪):「你們都走開!」

Three more days went by, the eggs hatched.  Little tadpoles swam out of the crack which protected them.  One of the tadpoles had a strange birth mark on its face which looked like a question mark.
Tadpole A, “What a look!”
Tadpole B, “How detestable!”
Tadpole T (the one with the birth mark), “Leave me alone!”